Thursday, April 28, 2011

7 Random Facts!

I am very honored to have been given my very first blog award, “One Lovely Blog”, from my friend Caroline.  Please check out her blog, Engineer And and Oven, she makes some of the most amazing dishes!

There are some rules to abide in order to accept this award and they are:

1. Post linking back to the person that gave you the award
2. Share 7 random things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered blogs
4. Drop them a note and tell them about it.

So, I would like to dedicate this award to the following blogs ( I will keep updating this with other blogs):
1.  The Turowski Family

2.  The Fashionista Foodie
3.  Oh Jones...
7.  Eating with My Mouth Open
8.  The Lunchbox Diaries
7 Random Facts About Me

1. I consider myself a pretty athletic person, but I have a really hard time running long distances.  I feel like I have 0% lung capacity, I am totally winded after about 20-30 minutes of running. 

2. I lost 30 lbs after my freshman year of college with the South Beach Diet, and the help of my dad!  I was a lifeguard that summer and I borrowed a south beach book from my neighbor, and my dad would follow the meal plan and make my lunches and dinners everyday. I am so very thankful for his help, and all of his love.  He really changed my life :)

3. Similar to my friend Caroline, I was a fast-pitch softball pitcher for 14 years, therefore my right bicep is larger than my left.  Everyone calls it my “Man arm”, unlike Caroline I don’t think my arms will ever be the same size.

4. I love watching NASCAR races.  I don’t really know why, but I enjoy watching them.  I went to my first race about 4 years ago, and it was awesome.  I would love to go to Talladega, or to Indy.

5.  When I was younger, and really up until 2 years ago, I was terrified of dogs!  When my cousin and I were little we were both bit by a Dalmatian and since then I have been terrified of dogs; that is until I met Sean and Brandy’s dog Dolly, and fell in love with one of her puppies Ella!

6. I hate seafood.  I think it smells funny, and I won’t eat it.  I have gotten better though, I used to not be able to be in the same room as any sort of seafood without feeling sick, but now I just don’t eat it.  I will on occasion eat salmon, tilapia, and crab meat (only in crab dip), trust me I have come a long way.

7. I recently started couponing and I love it! I guess this fact isn’t really random since I talk about it all the time, but it is really hard to think of random facts that people will care about. haha.

Thanks again Caddie!!! 

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Love your facts! (Especially about softball - mine's my 'man arm' too!) You definitely deserve the award! Love your blog updates! :)

Congrats again!