Hello blog friends! YAY it’s almost Friday! I live for the weekends, does anyone else do that? I wish I still had my every other Friday off, but I like my overall schedule better now so I am not really complaining. It just means that after work I need to get some housework done so that our weekends can be spent lying by the pool and reading, mountain biking, wine tasting, or any other glorious summer activity.
Today I woke up and headed to the gym a bit later than usual so I only had time to run my 2 miles on the treadmill, stretch and head home. I am ok with that; it was a good run.
Today at work we spent yet another day trying to fix my computer. No one could figure out what was wrong with it (this was before lunch). Our group went to Chili’s for lunch and I got an Avocado Burger (put avocado on anything and it instantly makes it 100% more delicious). I didn’t take a picture of it because I was with my coworkers and I thought it would be weird, maybe next time I will sneak a pictures in there somehow.
After lunch we racked our brains again and eventually I did something magical that made the program run. I was super excited! FINALLY, after 2 weeks we got my computer program up and running. *whew*
I got home today and instead of doing another workout I decided to use the time to clean up my coupons. I stopped off at Staples and got a bigger binder and some sheet protectors, and went to work:
I threw out some old coupon books that were filled with expired coupons, and clipped some awesome food coupons for my binder. As I was going through the books, I realized that I had been missing out on some great deals, boo. I clipped all the food coupons for things I usually buy and sorted them in my binder:
This way when I go to Giant I can take my binder and know what coupons I have. After that I made Tacos for dinner! YUM:
And waited for Erik to get home so that we could eat:
Mmm taco nights are my fav, because they are not only delish but super easy to cook and clean. We ended the day by watched 3 episodes of ER, along with the results show from The Voice! Man that show is fab. Alright well I hope everyone had a great day!
coupon junkie!
mmmmm tacos....(drool)
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