Thursday, August 4, 2011

I thought...

my shoulder was healing... I also thought I could start running...

but I was wrong..... I felt great this morning, no more pain than usual, so I figured "hey I ran, and I feel good, I can keep training."

No. Wrong.

I went to physical therapy in a great mood, and told them I ran and my shoulder didn't hurt and I was happy!  My physical therapist Amy was not feeling my enthusiasm, don't get me wrong, she is awesome, but she told me she didn't want me running.

She said she didn't want me making my shoulder worse than it already is, awesome. So that was it, my bubble was burst.  I told her I wouldn't run until she told me it was okay to.  I know she felt bad about it, but I understand why she told me to cool it.

On a happier note, my range of motion is getting better, but I still have quite a bit of pain so we aren't out of the woods yet. Okay enough shoulder talk for today.

Other than that it was a pretty great day, after work we went over to my mom's house to have dinner with my family.  We had a blasty blast.  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family that can always make me laugh! For dinner we had some delish stuffed veggies:

My mom makes stuffed peppers, tomatoes and eggplant. When I was little I looooved the eggplant and now I am really in a stuffed tomato craze.  Each of them taste different but they are all oh so good.  I will switch it up next time and have a stuffed eggplant.... mmmm... I will put the recipe for this up soon.

Alright I am off to watch Project Runway!!! I hope everyone had a great day!


Stephanie F said...

so sorry you're hurting! thank you so much for reading my blog- i hope you get better soon!

Dorsa said...

Thanks! I hope so too!

Tara said...

I understand why your pt would say that, but it sure does put a damper on things. I was devastated when my podiatrist told me I couldn't run when I thought I'd be good to go. Of course it turned out he was wrong, but I know how disappointing it is!
I'm stealing the idea of eggplant stuffed peppers. It's my favorite vegetable on earth. I can't believe i've never thought of that!

Dorsa said...

sigh. So for now, more PT until the end of August, when we find out if I have to have surgery... barf