Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Childhood snacks are the best!!!!

I love apples with peanut butter.  That is my new favorite morning snack.  We bought some organic natural peanut butter from Costco and some organic apples, and I have been cutting them up for snacks. 

Super Sized Glee tonight!!!!  My friend Caroline gave me my first Blog award, but I need to do some work before I can blog about it! Look for the blog this weekend.  For now it is TV time :)

I hope everyone has a great night!!!!!!

Question: What is your favorite childhood snack?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I know this is not a healthy snack but one that reminds me of my childhood- cinnamon sugar toast. I remember my mom making this, toast with butter And then all the sugar and cinnamon would stick to the butter. Not sure I would feed it to my kids now but bring back good memories :)