I also decided I am going to donate my car, it really makes my heart hurt but keeping my car in our driveway really isn’t doing anyone any good. I am going to donate it to www.carsforustroops.org, they will come to my house and pick up my car, and give me IRS tax papers. I Kelly Blue Book-ed my car and in the condition it is currently in, it is only worth around $900! Haha, my poor baby car.
Tonight after our Go-To Meal, we watched “The Wire”. Man we love this show, Sunny and Diana turned us onto it and we can’t get enough of it:

Ella was watching me type my blog tonight:
Minutes later she was curled up next to Erik on the couch, snoring, haha.
Yesterday while I was doodling around the interwebs, I went onto my friend Caroline’s blog and she had a box for Foodie Blogroll, so I looked into it and I applied to be featured on the Foodie Blogroll, and I was approved! You can see the box on the right hand side of my page! I’m pretty excited, I hope it will bring some more traffic to my blog. From that blogroll I received a comment to put my blog on Petitchef, they said they stumbled on my blog and my recipes looked good, and wanted their users to be able to enjoy them too, so I signed up!
Anyway, I hope everyone has a good night! Oh I leave you with this, look at how cute they are!