Oh man there is so much to write about here; I will try and keep it short (yea right). We flew out of BWI into Logan airport on Thursday night, and as soon as we got there and checked onto our hotel, we went out to celebrate Hyojon’s 25th birthday.
The next morning we made our way over to Fenway Park and took some pictures, and walked around for a bit. Then we walked across a very very long bridge over to MIT. While at MIT we walked around the campus, which was really cool, and went to the bookstore and bought some hoodies and sweatpants. For lunch we went to one of MIT’s road-side food stand named The Clover, it was quite delish. Here are a few pictures of MIT.

After absorbing some more intelligence, we made our way back into the city and went to the bar where the sitcom “Cheers” was filmed. That was a really cool experience, because I know I had watched the show when I was younger. Here is a Cheer’s mug:

We relaxed a while, did a little bit of chit-chatting and decided we wanted to head over to the Harpoon Brewery. Boy oh boy did we have a great time there, the guy who was conducting the tasting was hilarious and the beer was really good. I think we are all fans of Harpoon now. After Harpoon we made our way to Quincy Market/Faneuil Hall area, we walked around and absorbed the area, but we were all getting very grumpy and hungry. We ended up going to this little mom and pop Italian restaurant, which was really good. The amount of food per serving was ridiculous, way too much food for one person. After a long day of adventure we all went to bed when we got back to the hotel rooms, to prepare for Saturday.
On Saturday my friend Kelly joined us in Boston. We started the day by making a fabulous breakfast decision! We went to a place called Finagle a Bagel; oh man it was so good we went there for breakfast Sunday morning as well. After breakfast we took the train to the Samuel Adams brewery. We took a tour of the brewery, which was smaller than I had thought it would be, then went for a free tasting. The tasting was delish, nothing more to say about that.

Then we made another good food decision and went to another restaurant near the brewery, Erik had some amazing Clam Chowder in a bread bowl, and I had a fabulous burger. Highlight of the meal, was when the people sitting behind us let us hold and play with their baby girl. She was really cute. After the brewery we went back to our hotels for a quick nap, then got back together and sat on the hotel’s rooftop terrace, more relaxing and chit-chat. Then we were hungry (again), so we went to the Oyster house. I, as you know, am not a fan of seafood but I wasn’t going to make the entire group miss out on it, so we went. We had a good time at dinner, but were so tired we couldn’t stay out late. We ended up going back to our hotel area and went to a dive bar, and had a great time.

On Sunday, half of our group let to go back home early in the morning, so we didn’t really have too much planned. After Finagle-a-bagel we went the Old North Church and walked around Quincy Market. We had some yummy Mexican food at Quincy Market then headed back to our hotel to pick up our stuff and head to the airport. We got to the airport about 4 hours before our flight left, in hopes of getting on standby (no luck). So we sat at the airport and read our books until our flight home.
All in all it was a wonderful trip and we are all so excited we got to go. Check out my facebook for more pictures of our trip.