Monday, January 26, 2009
A wonderful Gift
As for our house, we did not like how the floors turned out when we stained them so I asked my mom to ask my cousin’s uncle Saeed who owns his own flooring company, if he would come look at the floors and lead us in the right direction. He came to our house Saturday morning and said that he was going to re-finish our floors for us as a wedding present! We are so grateful and could not have even imagined such a wonderful gift. Of course we told him it was too much and we couldn’t accept it but he insisted and I know he would not back down. So thank you to Saeed and Rozina for their wonderful gift.
Saeed told us we would have to finish all of our painting and anything else that needs to be done upstairs before they can work on the floors. So yesterday Erik, Ava and I went to our house and painted! We should be finished with all the painting upstairs by the end of next weekend (we hope).
Oh yea and my mommy and grandma bought us really nice curtains for all the rooms upstairs and the basement. I cant wait to put them up in the rooms!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Staining Floors...New job...bowling...etc...
This past weekend we learned that we do not know how to stain floors.
Well we didn't know, so we did it wrong. But during this week sometime we are going to strip the stain off of the floors and do it again. We are going to get a darker color so we don't have to leave the stain on as long to achieve to color we want. Oh well you live and learn. I will put pictures of what the floors looked like before we started staining them and I will put pictures up once they are completed.
This is a busy week for us. Today both Obama and I started new jobs.
(His slightly more important than mine). I am still in Frederick, MD, but I am in the main Bechtel building (for those of you who do not know my other building consisted of 30 people with an average age of 60).
This building has approximately 3,000 people and I don't know what the average age here is but I figure its closer to 50ish. I have a sweet looking phone and the soap in the bathroom smells like heaven. I will post more details when I figure out what project I am going to be working on, for now I am in "training" (aka I sit at my desk playing around with outlook and desktop settings).
Friday is my first Friday off since we started our 9/80 schedule (we get every other Friday off but have to work 9 hours a day). This Friday we have the appliance people coming to look at our washing machine. It is leaking; luckily our washing machine is in the garage so no wood
flooring was hurt during the process. Then on Saturday we are going to
R&R for our tasting.
Oh yes I forgot to mention this last week but at our bowling night last wed. Erik bowled a 217, he got six strikes IN A ROW. It was awesome! So yes on top of our busy week we have our bowling TONIGHT!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Hotel Booking

Each room has a queen size bed (or if you need a double occupancy room they will also accommodate that), a couch, a television, a nice bathroom and a full kitchen in it. You can either reserve the studio suite or the one-bedroom suite. The one-bedroom suite is bigger but a bit more expensive.
The hotel is a 2 block walk to Top of the Town so after the festivities you can walk down the street and be at the hotel! We thought that was a very nice plus. Here is the website if you want to look at the hotel ( but to book you must call.
To book a room: Please call 703-522-9600 and ask for the Hassas/Seubert wedding block. I have put this information on the left hand side of the page for easy reference.
Remember you have until July 31, 2009 to book your room, but please do not wait that long.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Just a little thank you! Ok sorry its a bit long!
To my mom and grandma- for making the most delicious food ever for us. They cook lunch and bring it to our house so we don’t have to leave to get food. They have also helped clean and vacuum around the house as well as given some much needed design ideas. Thank you!
To my future parental-in-laws- for helping paint and breaking down the kitchen. We all spent that one Sunday breaking down the kitchen and Erik’s mom was outside taking out all the nails in the wood. Thank you!
To Sunny and Diana- for also helping with painting, sanding, taping, cleaning, really everything. Thanks to Sunny for spending I don’t know how long (like 3-4 hours) sanding the stairs to the basement. Thanks to Diana for helping me shop for paint and picking out colors, taping, painting, sanding, etc. Oh yea and digging out that hideous lawnmower haha.
To Ava and Anya- for helping spray paint the fans (they look awesome). Also for cleaning, painting the rooms and taping. Oh yea and thanks to Anya for bringing us a blizzard from DQ! And to Ava for painting the closets in the rooms and taking down the poles in the front entryway. Thanks guys!
To Lauren- for spending her winter break helping us with whatever needed to get done around our house. Thanks Splory! A twinkle-ay
To Luke- for helping us paint and I know we will be counting on your help to put in the kitchen cabinets, so you’re not off the hook yet! Haha but seriously thank you!
To Hyojon- for designing an awesome looking kitchen. I can’t wait until it’s all complete and we can cook and eat a LOT haha. Also for climbing on the roof and taking down that hideous antenna. And for your continued help with everything and anything that needs to be done.
To Bethany- for wanting to take down the tape around the rooms but being scared of messing it up so you didn’t do it. Haha. You came and kept us company and we yakked like old ladies :-D I love it!
To Warren- for trying to come to our house but you couldn’t because you went down the wrong street. I am sorry we missed your calls but it’s the thought that counts so thanks buddy!
And last but certainly not least to Erik for well really everything! Together I know we are going to make this house look amazing and make so many memories in it. I can’t wait for it to be done!
From the both of us thank you to everyone and we are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Home Improvement Continues
This coming week and weekend we have quite a bit of wedding things we have to do, but we are going to try and stain the floors. Then the following weekend we will put on the polyurethane to protect them.
Tonight we are going to the hotel we are most likely going to reserve a block of rooms in. We can only block 10 rooms at a time so if you know you will need a room please do not wait to book your room. Once the 10 rooms have been claimed we can reserve another block of 10 rooms. But I will give you all the details most likely by the end of the week.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Working Hard
As for the rest of the house, yesterday we started taking down the soffits in the kitchen, as you can see in this picture. We will also hopefully order our kitchen cabinets and granite; the cabinets should take around 6-8 weeks to come in, then Erik and I (along with whoever else would like to help) will start installing the cabinets. We are hoping to have the kitchen done around April, but we will see how the timing works out.
The girls and I went this past week to look for bridesmaids dresses, and we found them! It was honestly the first dress that was put on we all loved. The dresses take eight weeks to come in, so I would like to have them ordered by April at the latest. Anya and Bethany still have to go in and try the dresses on, but as soon as they do we will order them.
I think that is it for now....