Saturday, October 3, 2009
Wedding Pictures are ready!!!!
yay our wedding pictures are ready for viewing. Here is the link:
Click on our picture and the password is seubert (all lowercase).
Let us know what you guys think!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Updates on Ella
All weekend, every time we would put Ella in her crate or in the basement and close the gate, she would scream and cry like someone was trying to kill her. What a dramatic little puppy, haha. Lauren came over Saturday night and watched Ella while Erik and I were at my cousin’s wedding; thanks Splory! Then on Sunday we took Ella to Petsmart to sign her up for her puppy classes, which she starts on Thursday. After our little Petsmart adventure we came home and I made chili for the Redskins game (which we won!) and Erik did some much needed weed whacking.
We were so nervous to leave her at home alone all day while we are at work, but so far this week Erik’s mom and Anya have been coming over and playing with her and letting her play in the backyard. And after a few nights of barely any sleep, last night Ella finally slept through the night! Erik and I went to bed at 10:30 and woke up at 5:15am and she was still sleeping! It was glorious, hopefully it wasn’t a fluke and she will sleep through the nights now.
On another note we are still awaiting our professional wedding pictures and will post the link and all the information as soon as we get it! We can’t wait to see them!
I think that is all for now, more later!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Ella Seubert

She came over Sunday night with Sean and Brandy for a few hours to get accustomed to our house. We played with her a lot and she ran around sniffing things. She followed Erik and I around most of the time, it was so cute. By the end of the night she was soo pooped, Erik took her to her crate and laid down in front of her until she fell asleep. She slept down there for a good 30 min, then woke up and was sitting at the bottom of the stairs looking up at us. Oh it was so cute. We played with her a little while longer and took her outside, fed her and then she passed out on the floor again. Haha, here are a few pictures.
Monday, September 14, 2009
White Water Rafting!!
Labor day weekend:
After a long sad goodbye with my cousins, Erik and I headed over to Sean and Brandy’s house to start off our Labor Day weekend trip to West va. Yes you read correctly I said West Virginia. Bleh! Despite being in West Virginia we had such an amazing time! We were in a beautiful cabin in the middle of the mountains. We went white water rafting on Sunday. I was sooooo scared, but once we got into the water I was much more relaxed.
Our guide’s name was Redneck! Haha and boy was he, he had cut off jorts for goodness sake! For those of you who do not know what cut off jorts are they are cut of jean shorts. After rafting we had a nice dinner and took a few pictures from the outlook high atop the mountains. Here are a few pictures from our trip! YAY
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Church Pictures
Reception Pictures
YAY! Thank you all again. We will post more later. We are going to get my name changed today and new licenses at the DMV! WOOT
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Rehearsal and Rehearsal BBQ
Two more days till the BIG DAY!
For the bridal party our rehearsal starts at noon at Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington.
The rehearsal BBQ is from 3-6 at Fort Hunt Park in Alexandria. I can't seem to find an address for it but if you type Fort Hunt Park into google it should give you the correct park.
Here are the directions from the church
Arlington Blvd, Arlington, VA 22203
1. Head west on N Arlington Blvd toward N Montague St
go 180 ft
total 180 ft
2.Turn right at N Montague St
go 190 ft
total 371 ft
3.Turn right to stay on N Montague St
go 243 ft
total 0.1 mi
4.Turn right at 1st St N
go 0.2 mi
total 0.3 mi
5.Turn right at N Manchester St
go 387 ft
total 0.3 mi
6.Turn left at Arlington Blvd
About 5 mins
go 2.7 mi
total 3.1 mi
7.Merge onto VA-27 N via the ramp to I-395/Washington Blvd
About 2 mins
go 1.1 mi
total 4.2 mi
8.Take the exit onto I-395 N toward Washington
About 2 mins
go 1.5 mi
total 5.6 mi
9.Take the George Wash Memorial Pkwy exit
go 0.3 mi
total 5.9 mi
10. Merge onto George Washington Memorial Pkwy
About 19 mins
go 11.2 mi
total 17.1 mi
11. Slight right at Fort Hunt Rd
go 0.2 mi
total 17.3 mi
12.Slight left at Fort Hunt Park
go 0.1 mi
total 17.4 mi
13.Turn right to stay on Fort Hunt Park
About 1 min
go 0.4 mi
total 17.8 mi
14.Turn right to stay on Fort Hunt Park
Destination will be on the left
Here are the directions that they have on their website:
Fort Hunt Park is located approximately 6 miles south of Old Town Alexandria in Virginia along the George Washington Memorial Parkway.
From Downtown Washington, DC: take 14th Street Bridge south towards Virginia. Take exit for Mount Vernon/National Airport; this puts you on the George Washington Memorial Parkway southbound; continue past National Airport, through Old Town Alexandria (for two miles, the Parkway becomes Washington Street through Old Town; when, you reach the city limits, you are back on the Parkway); Fort Hunt Park is 6 miles south of Old Town Alexandria; exit to the right at the sign marked "Fort Hunt Road/Fort Hunt Park."
Please call me or message me here if you have any questions!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
OMG 10 more days!
Ok so just checked the weather and now it looks like 30% chance of rain for our rehearsal dinner. eeek, I hope it does not rain!!! Please let me know if you will be attending and if you need more information about it. Pray for great weather next Saturday!!!!
This weekend Erik and I are going to be enjoying our bachelor and bachelorette parties! We will post some pictures next week of the festivities. I am hoping the weather is somewhat cooperative this weekend as well.
If you guys have any questions or need anything plllease don’t hesitate to call us. Or post questions on the bloggy.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
17 days and counting!!!!
My mom and grandma have been busy making the wedding favors (they are so cute). I can’t wait to see them all completed. Erik’s mom just finished writing all the names on the placecards, now all I have to do is put the finishing touches on them. What else? Cherie is in the process of ordering our wedding flowers; they are going to be b-e-a-utiful. We are so grateful to have such wonderful help; we couldn’t have planned this wedding without our family and friends!
YAY, more later…
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Lets see, oh yes our friends Sean and Brandy have a boxer named Dolly and she just had puppies! They are giving us one as a wedding present and we might be getting another one as well, we have yet to decide. Here are a few pictures they sent us.

Aren't they so cute?!
We now have to pick out our songs and get the sheet music for the piano songs we choose, other than that I really don’t know what else I have left to do…hmm…
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hotel Reservations
Ramsey just informed me that if you book your hotel room through the Virginian Suites website the price for the rooms is only $76, plus tax, instead of the $109 price they gave us for our wedding block.
Please go here and reserve your rooms. Let me know if you have any problems.
Thanks Ramsey!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
As soon as we returned to Virginia I was back in the swing of wedding planning. One of the first things I did was order our wedding cake, and let me tell you this cake is going to be one to remember. The only setback with the cake is that we have to arrange for someone to pick it up the day of the wedding. We have 180 people coming to the wedding surely someone will be able to go pick up the cake right??
I do not know what time the rehearsal is going to be but the rehearsal dinner is going to be at Fort Hunt Park in Alexandria at 3pm. This park is right near the GW parkway and overlooks the Potomac River. It should be a really nice setting for a sweet summer BBQ! Depending on the church we will either be having the rehearsal before the BBQ at around noon or after, let’s say around 6. I will post all the details about the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner/BBQ when I get confirmation from the church.
I had my trial hair appointment this past Saturday and I loved it. Now to find a make-up artist who will come to the church, that is the key. I have also started some preliminary seating charts for the reception, if you have any special requests please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate them.
YAY.. only 44 more days!!!!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Bridal Shower!
This past Saturday was my bridal shower!! My mom and Bethany’s mom did an AMAZING job. The food was wonderful and the house was so adorably decorated. Ava had to go to her soccer reefing gig that morning, so Erik and I went to home depot and picked out the rest of the lights in our house. We will install those after our AC is fixed. Which, on a side note, is getting fixed tomorrow morning!!!! After we picked Ava up we went to my mommy’s house and I drove back to our house with my other car, leaving Erik and Ava with my beamer. When they got to our house, Ava said go look at your car, and I was like why, what happened. And Erik said “nothing I just washed it for you, I couldn’t let you go to your shower with a dirty car.” He is the sweetest!
At the shower I got some pretty amazing presents and we had such a great time, just chatting it up. Here are a few pictures from the shower.
They made me wear this thing on my head haha.
oh yes, the RSVPs are due back next tuesday so send them out! Also make sure you book your hotel rooms (Sorry, I am starting to sound like a broken record haha)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Housewarming Party!
We are starting to get some RSVPs back! There is one I got that does not have a name on it. All it says on the inside is will attend 2 +1 child. If someone can claim this it would be wonderful! I was not informed by a certain someone, to number the RSVPs in case this happens so we have to do a little process of elimination. Also don’t forget to make your hotel reservations! YIPPIE 74 more days (but who is counting)!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Updates galore!

Sooo many things to say! First off if this is your first time viewing our blog Welcome! We have been using this blog to keep everyone informed about the events in our lives for the past year. Only 80 days until the BIG DAY!!
This Friday my mom and I are going for my first official dress fitting and I still have not gotten my shoes! I will be frantically looking for shoes for the next 3 days. We moved into our house this weekend (finally after almost 7 months!) and we have been super busy moving, unpacking and cleaning. Our housewarming party is this Saturday and we still have tons of things to do! I will post pictures of the rooms in our house after this weekend.
I also just checked with the hotel and only 6 rooms have been booked. Please book you rooms soon so we can add more rooms to the block. The hotel is called Virginian Suites and it is literally a block away from Top of the Town (our reception venue). Please call 703-522-9600 and ask for the Hassas/Seubert wedding block, you have until July 31 then the prices go up.
We had our first strawberries from our garden, they were not sweet at all, haha, but they were fresh and pretty delicious.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from our engagement shoot. You can find the information to view the rest of them in the blog entry before this one.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
In other news, our engagement pictures are up! Click here and select our album. The password is hassas (all lowercase). Let me know what you guys think! I have to see which ones I want to order. I might end up asking them to make an album of the ones we like.
Enjoy! And don’t forget to RSVP by June 30 (sooner if you can)
Monday, June 1, 2009
The granite was installed flawlessly on Friday! Hyojon and Jan also came over on Friday and installed the last cabinet above the fridge as well as the two panels surrounding the fridge. It was a nice birthday present for Erik. Thanks guys!
Erik had to work alllll day Saturday, which really sucked but the appliances and backsplash were installed while he was at work. On Sunday, we painted the ceiling, some door and window trim, and mowed the lawn. During the week, Ross is going to come and install an outlet for the stove and fix our faucet valve. Once he does that we can finish off the back side of the breakfast bar. Then we have to put on the handles for the cabinets.
We are planning on having our housewarming party with our friends on June 13! We are so totally excited for it!
Wedding news, we are starting the invitation assembly process. I plan on mailing the invitations out either tomorrow or Wednesday. YIPPIE!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Engagement picture montage on Facebook!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
MAJOR disappointment!
Needless to say Erik and I were both very very disappointed. We have to push everything back another weekend. The backsplash also could not be installed because we have to wait for the granite to go in, same deal with the appliances. Ugh!
We had a very nice Memorial Day weekend. We went to three BBQs, very yummy but we ate waaay too much. We attempted to play golf yesterday but as soon as we started it starting pouring down rain and we had to get rainchecks. This worked out to our advantage because we got a free 9 holes of golf!
We didn’t get anything done on the house or with the wedding; it was a weekend of eating. I think I am going to have to bring the wedding invitations to work and fold and stuff them during my lunch all week, I am going to try and mail them out on Friday!! Oh yea and we might be getting a puppy in four months, maybe even two puppies!! Our friends own a boxer and they think she might be pregnant, (keep your fingers crossed)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
100 days left!
So I was totally stalking Diana’s wedding blog and at her 100 day remaining mark she was exactly in the same position as I am. I have yet to assemble the wedding invitations and order my cake. Haha. I suppose great minds think alike? Haha.
My hairdresser called me yesterday to hash out some details, and I think we are pretty much set to start getting our hair done at around 11:30 on the day of the wedding! Liz and her husband (our photographers) will be arriving at the church at 2pm. Liz will take us ladies and her husband will take the men to take the separate bridal party pictures. So I supposed I should work on a “day of” schedule to send out to the bridal party. Hmmm…
Ok breathe… I can do this!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
No work, all play… sort of
On Friday we went and picked out/ordered our granite for the countertops! They are coming this Friday to install them. I will be leaving work at lunch to watch! After we picked out our granite we rushed to Meadowlark Botanical gardens where we met our photographer for our engagement pictures. We had so much fun and the weather was perfect. Liz (one of our photographers) said they would have the pictures ready for us in two weeks! Believe me; as soon as they are posted I post the link. YAY!
Our grass grows like its on steroids, I am not kidding. We mow the lawn on Sundays and by Tuesday the grass is already looking shabby. So tonight we are going to our house to mow the front lawn. While I mow the lawn Erik and Luke are going to be installing the last cabinet; the one that goes over the fridge. Oh yea and my strawberries are growing!
Diana designed our wedding menus; so that is one less thing we have to worry about, yay Sperbeny! I am almost done addressing the invitations, I am going to try and mail them out next Friday (on Erik’s birthday!). Also if you need a hotel for the weekend please don’t forget to call and reserve your rooms! The information for the hotel can be found on the left hand side of this page.
Monday, May 4, 2009
I took a four day weekend…! Long bloggy.
I had the day off on Friday (my usual every other Friday off business) so I scheduled to try on my wedding dress! We went and I tried it on and it fit wonderfully, I can’t wait to wear it again. I scheduled an appointment for my fitting for June 12!
Then we (me and Erik’s mom) went back to our house and waited for the AC repair man to come and look at the AC. He told us the coils were leaking!? I have no idea what that means. Long story short they have to call the insurance company to see what they are going to pay for, blah, blah. Hopefully they will come back and just replace the darn thing. After he left we went to home depot (ugh) and bought some 2x4s and sheets of plywood. It was a crazy cramped ride back to the house but we got there. We then started painting my accent wall in the living room, I’ll post pictures when it’s all done; it’s a secret. The cabinets arrived on Friday as well!!! Here is a picture of all the boxes!
So Saturday morning Erik and I went to our house and started installing the cabinets. Luke and Hyojon came over to help. We called Tom like 100 times to ask him questions, and he came over and helped out too! Thanks guys! Here is what the cabinets looked like at the end of the day Saturday.
Here are a few pictures of what the kitchen looks like now!! We still have a little ways to go before it’s done.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Still sooooooooo much work to do!
Later Saturday afternoon Erik and I put up the breakfast bar wall. We still have to put up some drywall on the wall, but at least we roughed in the location of it. We are also thinking that we are going to put some sort of stone work on the surface of the wall to match the stone work of the fireplace, (we still have to pick out the stone).
Yesterday before our kickball game we went to our house and Erik did some more drywall mud work, while I mowed the lawn (It was so hot outside). We also realized our air-conditioning does not work; luckily we have a home owner’s warranty service which will repair or replace the unit. We also ordered our backsplash tile which should be here by the end of the week.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
On another note, my wedding dress arrived at the store yesterday!!!!! YESSSSSSSSS again! I scheduled to go try it on next Friday. Trina is going to go with me :)
That is all… for now :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
A hood, bathroom paint, and a new window!
The bathroom isn’t completely finished because we still have to pick out and install a medicine cabinet for over the sink. I did however put in the new bathroom light. Take a lookie…
Also on Friday, Luke and Erik help Ross install the hood in our soon to be kitchen. It was a lot of work but it looks great. It looks a bit awkward right now because it is the only thing in the kitchen.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Floor work
We started around 9 am, and Luke came over around 10. We had a bunch of prep work and had to get some tools we didn’t have, so the boys started working on the floor at around 3. At about 8pm the floors were done and we were all starving. Oh yea a special thanks to Tom (Bethany’s dad) for letting us use his tools time and time again, thank you so much. And to Parviz and Sina for also letting us use their tools.
While the guys were working on the floor I was painting the basement. I do have to say it looks aweeesome. After I was done with the basement I helped the guys out as much as I could (I didn’t want to get in their way).
Side note, we are hoping to book our honeymoon either this week or next week.. YAY, and I am working on getting hair and make-up appointments squared away!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Green Thumb
This was yet another very productive weekend despite the fact that Erik had to go to a conference for work all day Saturday. My mom, sister and grandparents came over to our house on Saturday to do some gardening. I watch too much “Curb Appeal” and really just HGTv in general and I was tired of our house looking so “blah”, for lack of a better term.
These are the two flower beds in front of our house, my mom and grandma cleaned all the leaves and dead plants out of them and we planted these flowers. My mom and I woke up early Saturday morning and went to home depot to buy flowers (less people traffic). We have A LOT more gardening to do, apparently we have a huge yard haha.
This is the little area around the pond; we planted a few lavender plants around it. Boy does lavender smell amazing. I can’t wait until everything is complete and we can sit outside and enjoy all of the hard work.
Sunday was another full day of work, but I won’t tell you about that until Wednesday.