Friday, October 3, 2008

Legwarmers Concert!!!

I suppose this post is a bit delayed but better late than never right?  Anya said I need to post more often and put more pictures up so I am . 

On September 19, Erik and I went to a Legwarmers Concert with our friends Richie and Alaina. What is a Legwarmers concert you ask? Well they are an amazing 80s cover band.  Erik and I absolutely love 80s music.  The best part about this concert was that you got to dress up in 80s attire.  We looked awesom

e, but you guys can judge for yourselves.  Here are a few pictures Anya took before we went out. My favorite one is the first one, I do believe it sums up how we both feel about the 80s.


I will put the rest of the pictures online for your viewing pleasure and you can access them through the link on the left-hand side of the page.  We did not have the best outfits though; there were people there with outfits that were actually their own outfits that they used to wear in the 80s.  A few ladies even came in their prom dresses with BIG bows on the back. Oh it was glorious. Next time I will take my own camera and take pictures of the other people.