Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Also I have posted pictures of our house. The link is on the left hand side of the page labeled "Our House". Enjoy and check back often I will be posting more when progress has been made!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Eight Months to go!
The girls and I went dress shopping on Friday and I found my dress! Oh I love it so much I can’t wait to wear it. The place we went did not have a big selection of bridesmaid’s dresses so we are planning to go to a different place before everyone leaves again.
Erik and I (with the help of our families) have been working on our house. Things are slowly progressing; I say slowly because we always have to wait for something to dry. So far we have changed the locks, taken down that hideous white front screen door, taken down the bars in the front entrance, taken down the awful curtains and spackled almost everywhere. Yesterday we took out the upper kitchen cabinets! And I think we are ready to start painting some of the ceilings upstairs. Oh yea and the new roof was installed on the house on Friday. As soon as we order the kitchen cabinets and get them in we are going to start installing those as well.
I promise I will put pictures up of the house when I leave work today.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
We also met with Hyojon to go over some more designs for our kitchen, and went to the granite place and picked out our granite. We are hoping to start work on the kitchen early to mid January.
I am also hoping to meet with the caterer in early January and get that taken care of. I should also have a block of hotel rooms reserved for people who know they will be coming and are ready to book their hotel rooms now. I will give you more information about that when I know more but for now enjoy the holidays!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Things are starting to come together! We will meet with the caterer sometime in January to get that squared away, then the only major things that are left are the DJ and flowers. And I have plans for those as well.
The girls and I are going dress shopping the Friday after Christmas; hopefully we can find the dresses they are looking for. It will take a little while longer for me to pick out my dress, although I really loved one of the ones I tried on a few weeks ago, my mom tells me to keep looking around and I agree with her. But we bought my jewelry and I know how I want to style my hair for the wedding day!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Home Inspection
Monday, December 8, 2008
STDs are in the mail!
Also I am going to start looking into hotels around the area to book a block of rooms, so look for more information and the link to the hotels around January; I think most of you should know by then if you will be able to attend. I really hope everyone can come!
The girls and I should be going to look for dresses after Christmas when Diana and Lauren are back home. I cannot wait! oh and we will go shopping for stuff for the house!
Oh yes and our seven year anniversary is this coming Wednesday, December 10!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Third time is a charm!!!!!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
House Update
The best part about this house is that not only is it a regular transaction (meaning we don’t have to wait for the bank to approve the offer) but the agent selling the house is also a Long and Foster agent, which we are told makes everything run more smoothly. The other agent was very excited and happy as well; we should know within 24 hours of we get the house. So everyone please pray; this is it this is the one we really want.
We are hoping that the third time is the charm!
Oh ya and we retracted our offer on the other house.
Monday, December 1, 2008
A little update
Back to the drawing board.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Disregard last post (but the babies are really cute so I didnt want to take it down)
Ok so we wait... up to 10 days.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Still waiting...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Waiting Game
On another note, the STDs are arriving at my house this Wednesday, a week earlier than they had originally told me they would be in. I am very excited to see how they turned out.
Oh and I am going dress shopping this coming Saturday! YAY
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
STD’s are in production
It was great seeing everyone at her wedding and I can’t wait to see you guys again when you come back to DC in August.
I ordered our save-the-dates last week and I can’t wait until they come in. It takes them about 2 weeks to make them, then however long after that to get to my house. I want to send them out the first week of December so make sure you look for them in the mail. I was going to wait to send them out but Erik suggested I send them out in December because that is when people will most likely be making their summer plans. He’s a thinkerJ. I have been learning, or well attempting to learn calligraphy. It is very difficult, and I am terrible at it. Hopefully by the time I have to write the addresses on the envelopes I will be halfway decent. I apologize in advance for my infant-like handwriting.
Can someone please tell me why finding a house is so hard? House hunting has been a little frustrating. On Sunday Erik and I went and looked at about 20 houses and didn’t like one enough to put an offer down. It seems either everything is way overpriced or the ones that are in our price range are mice infested. Why does this area have to be so expensive? Only thing we can do is keep looking, hopefully something will come along.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Legwarmers Concert!!!
I suppose this post is a bit delayed but better late than never right? Anya said I need to post more often and put more pictures up so I am .
On September 19, Erik and I went to a Legwarmers Concert with our friends Richie and Alaina. What is a Legwarmers concert you ask? Well they are an amazing 80s cover band. Erik and I absolutely love 80s music. The best part about this concert was that you got to dress up in 80s attire. We looked awesom
e, but you guys can judge for yourselves. Here are a few pictures Anya took before we went out. My favorite one is the first one, I do believe it sums up how we both feel about the 80s.
I will put the rest of the pictures online for your viewing pleasure and you can access them through the link on the left-hand side of the page. We did not have the best outfits though; there were people there with outfits that were actually their own outfits that they used to wear in the 80s. A few ladies even came in their prom dresses with BIG bows on the back. Oh it was glorious. Next time I will take my own camera and take pictures of the other people.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Updates on the house hunt
We looked at seven houses on Sunday before coming back to the one on Terrell Street. Out of the seven we liked one of the townhomes we saw. But then we went to the house on Terrell Street, and wow let me tell you we all fell in love with it. We showed the family and they loved it too so we decided to put an offer down on the house!
We waited all day Monday and around 7:30pm I get a call from Mandy saying they sold the house for more than $22,000 more than we had offered. The house had been on the market for less than 24 hours and the realtor said she had gotten about 30 calls saying they were interested in it.
I was obviously upset but in the end the house was not meant to be ours, and we will keep looking until we find something. We will keep you posted!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Bridal Showcase and House Hunting
So you walk in the expo center and you sign these forms, pay your money and get a bag with a magazine and 3 sheets of paper with little squares of your unique number on it. You rip the little squares off and put it in the vendors’ boxes to win prizes. I didn’t know you had to stay until 4 (the end of the showcase) to see if you had won. We all left because Erik and I had an appointment with Mandy (our old neighbor) to look at some houses. Neila went back to the showcase to see if we had won anything, obviously we hadn’t. But in the last few days I have been getting phone calls saying that I have won a few things, nothing really just 2 make-up things and a bridal package vacation (which is like a seminar you sit through and get something in the end), we didn’t want to deal with that. But I did win an at home make-over for me and 10 of my friends. Going through I realized most of my girl friends are all out of the state or just too far to have them come over on a Wed night, so I invited the few that I have here along with moms and sisters. It should be a lot of fun.
As I mentioned before Erik and I went with our wonderful neighbor Mandy to see a few houses in the area. Out of the 4 or 5 (I can’t remember) we went to we liked one of them. I know 2 of the places we didn’t even get to go into because they gave incorrect information about the status of the house. One did even have a lock box on the door and the other had the wrong lock box. The others we didn’t like as soon as we walked in we could smell the mold so we immediately turned around and walked out. The last one we went to was wonderful. It was a townhouse, it had a deck, a HUGE kitchen with granite countertops and new cabinets. Three bedrooms 3 bathrooms, hardwood floors everywhere, really cute fireplace. We really liked it. But we are going to keep looking, perhaps the prices will go down even more while we are looking.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
We are both very excited!
Ceremony Site
I was thinking of having the arch here so that we would be looking out to the other part of the courtyard. We would set up the chairs to go around the fountain in the middle in a V formation. The courtyard is already decorated with trees and pots with flowers in them but we will do more to make it look prettier.
We still have to work out a few details and take my mom there to make sure it is ok with her, but I really like the idea of having it there. Let me know what you think, please be honest!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I did it I purchased my first car yesterday!! It is a 2006 BMW 325i! It is so beautiful, haha. I am actually at a loss for words. I want to thank Erik for coming with me and being such a wonderful backbone while I was choosing the car and negotiating. I also want to thank my mommy, thanks to her we got an extra $500 off the price of the car. Because the two of them I felt confident and very supported when I was talking to the dealer.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
New Car for Dorsa

Ok here's the thing..(Erik says I say that every time I'm about to have a serious conversation)

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Reception Venue Booked!
We have yet to go see Jefferson Court, the new place we are thinking of having our Ceremony. Luke’s Aunt Cherie knows a guy who owns the building where Jefferson Court is. Supposedly it is a courtyard, with nice flowers and ivy. I am hoping to go see it sometime either this weekend or next week. I will let you know when that happens, and put pictures up. If that does not work out I will have to wait until August 29,2008 to send out a site use request form to the national parks department in DC for the Netherlands Carillion.
Joke I heard last night at my softball game: (I don’t exactly know how the beginning goes but you can really make anything up for this one, here goes, make sure you say the answer out loud to yourself)
Q: What did the Brown Chicken say to the Brown Cow?
A: Brown-chica Brown-Cow
Ahhh so clever, I wish I could take credit for that one but I cannot. Well that is all for now, keep checking back for more updates!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Engagement Party
Friday, May 23, 2008
The search is on!
Erik, Anya and I went to Foxchase manor and Chantilly National Golf and Country club the weekend of the 17th. Foxchase was a complete dead end, it was so huge and very unwelcoming. The country club was very nice other than the place the ceremony would be held. I don't really know how to describe it, just know that it would have been very awkward.
So then I had planned on going to leesburg to visit Raspberry Plain and Whitehall Manor on the 31st. But Erik and I went to a general contracting networking shin-dig at a place called Top of the Town in Arlington. The view from that place is absolutely amazing. As we were leaving Erik turns to me and says "how cool would it be to have our reception up here?" I admit at first I did not like the idea, because I had always dreamed of having a cute outdoor wedding. But I thought hey we can have the ceremony outside then come to Top of the Town and have the reception.
I went to work the next day and looked up pricing and fell in love with the idea. I called and emailed Joan (the lady in charge) and realized that this reception could be possible. So long story short: I think we found our reception venue!!!!!! I haven't signed a contract and am still planning on going to leesburg, but unless something unexpected happens I think this is it!

I am still looking at ceremony sites but Joan said most brides just have their ceremony at the Netherlands Carillon.

We still have to go with the moms and check it all out but we are both very excited!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Engagement-May 10, 2008